Family Memories

What Are You Grateful For?

November 14, 2018

Count your many blessings, name them one by one.

Gratitude is an outward focus and keeps us from staying on a path of discouragement. Life has its ups & downs but gratitude makes for a beautiful life.

Focus less on the “I wants” and more on the “I haves.”

Start counting those blessings because I’m sure you have a lot to be grateful for!

I’m grateful for God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, for my husband and children and our granddaughter. I’m grateful for awesome friends, good health, for a healthy food, for a comfy bed and for shelter over my head. I am grateful for a thriving dōTERRA business. I am grateful for my freedom and for those that have fought for it. And I have so much more to be grateful for.

Gratitude has helped me so much to shift my focus on all the blessings rather than focusing on what’s not going right. I can even be grateful for the tough times because these are moments of refining and growth. Changing my thoughts about it makes a big difference.

What are you grateful for? 🤔

Keep on Keepin’ On….

October 25, 2019

Life is 50/50

October 16, 2019


September 26, 2018


Tammy Miller
Pleasant Grove, UT

Dave and I have been happily married for 26 years, which is crazy because it has breezed by at lightening speed. We are the parents of four amazing kids, one bonus son (son-in-law), and one bonus daughter (daughter-in-law). Six months after we started doing doTERRA, we sold our company, our goal was for us to grow our doTERRA business to match our previous income. We were able to do that together in just less than 3 years.