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Personal Development


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Goals Gratitude Life Coaching Mindset Personal Development Purpose

Let Me Go

March 3, 2021

Does the mistakes from your past have a hard grip on you?

Quit looking to the past as evidence that you can’t accomplish the things that you want to. Your past “failures” don’t define you. So, why do we think they do? There is no upside in ruminating…


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Emotional Health Life Coaching Mindset Personal Development

Rein in Your Brain

March 17, 2020

This moment of time we are living in is unprecedented. So much has changed for us as a society in just a short time and even though we know this won’t last forever, we don’t know how long this will last. There is so much uncertainty and with that…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Life Coaching Personal Development Relationships Self Love

You Are Worth It

March 5, 2020

I really love me.

I can’t say that I have always felt that way. Aren’t we all our own worst critics? Can I kindly ask you to STOP it! How is criticizing yourself creating any semblance of peace in your life? Your thoughts are so powerful. I teach this…


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Life Coaching Mindset Personal Development

I Don’t Know – Yes, You Do!

February 14, 2020

Mindset matters. What we say to ourselves manifests itself big time in our lives.

How often do you find yourself thinking or saying “I don’t know how to do ______ (fill in the blank).” Our primitive brain likes to trick us into thinking that is actually a fact, when…


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Emotional Health Life Coaching Personal Development

Train Your Brain

February 10, 2020

What do you say to yourself all day, every day? Did you know that the average human thinks over 60,000 thoughts a day?!

Mindset is everything. Our thoughts generate the results that we get in our lives, so we need to be super intentional about the thoughts that we…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Health & Well-being Life Coaching Personal Development

Perfection is the Enemy to Progress

February 10, 2020

What part in your journey did you adopt the belief that you have to show up perfectly? Did someone tell you that your best wasn’t good enough, and so you adopted that as a truth and it morphed into your daily life? Or, did you compare yourself to someone…


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Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose Time Management

Get It Done

February 8, 2020

Lists, lists and more lists. It feels endless. Does this sound familiar?! Ha, I know I can’t be the only one that has felt that way. I used to feel so overwhelmed with my long lists of “to-do’s.” Ugh – I remember getting a pit in my stomach and…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose

Gratitude Net

February 2, 2020

Gratitude isn’t just reserved for the month of November, right?!!! Gratitude is a state of mind. Gratitude is a state of being. Living in gratitude is living your best life.

So, I want you to ask yourself this question: what is the net value of gratitude? This list could as…


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Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose

Spinning in Indecision

February 2, 2020

Jim Rohn is a man I never met but he’s been a mentor of mine for the last ten years as I’ve delved into personal development. If you don’t know who Jim Rohn is, go look him up and listen to his inspiring words. I love that his messaging…


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Emotional Health Health & Well-being Life Coaching Personal Development

Feel Your Feelings

January 31, 2020

Hey Friend,

Empathy is my number one superpower, so I have a lot of people that talk to be about their challenges. Over the years I have had dozens and dozens of conversations with people about emotions/feelings and why it’s important to feel them deeply. It’s a topic I’m quite…

Tammy Miller
Pleasant Grove, UT

Dave and I have been happily married for 26 years, which is crazy because it has breezed by at lightening speed. We are the parents of four amazing kids, one bonus son (son-in-law), and one bonus daughter (daughter-in-law). Six months after we started doing doTERRA, we sold our company, our goal was for us to grow our doTERRA business to match our previous income. We were able to do that together in just less than 3 years.