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Authenticity Body Image Emotional Health Food Health & Well-being Life Coaching Personal Development

Love Who You See, Not What You See Part 2

January 13, 2020

Here are some more thoughts I promised to share from my original post “Love Who You See, Not What You See.”

Here we go….

I’ve reflected a lot on what my Dad said to me all those years ago. I’m certain my Dad’s intent wasn’t to hurt me and I’m certain…


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doTERRA Essential Oils Food

Fight Those Holiday Sugar Cravings

October 31, 2018

Do you suffer with intense sugar cravings? Have you been over-indulging this Halloween 🎃 season? It’s time to reset with Grapefruit essential oil. 👍

Just add a few drops to your water – I usually add 2 drops to 16oz. So good for your body & it tastes so yummy!…


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Family Food Health & Well-being Memories

Building a Strong Foundation of Health

August 5, 2018

Growing up I didn’t appreciate my Mom’s ultra-healthy ways. I can seriously say that she was a part of the go-green movement long before it was the trendy thing to do or the way that some people now choose to live. Back then, I was too young to appreciate…

Tammy Miller
Pleasant Grove, UT

Dave and I have been happily married for 26 years, which is crazy because it has breezed by at lightening speed. We are the parents of four amazing kids, one bonus son (son-in-law), and one bonus daughter (daughter-in-law). Six months after we started doing doTERRA, we sold our company, our goal was for us to grow our doTERRA business to match our previous income. We were able to do that together in just less than 3 years.