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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Life Coaching Personal Development Relationships Self Love

You Are Worth It

March 5, 2020

I really love me.

I can’t say that I have always felt that way. Aren’t we all our own worst critics? Can I kindly ask you to STOP it! How is criticizing yourself creating any semblance of peace in your life? Your thoughts are so powerful. I teach this…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Life Coaching Relationships

Bitter or Better

February 10, 2020

The journey of life has a whole lot of twists and turns and roller-coaster loops: it can be a crazy ride to navigate. There are unexpected speed bumps and roadblocks. We’ve all experienced it. Life.

What are the stories that we are choosing to tell ourselves? These stories are…


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Dreams Life Coaching Purpose Relationships

Dreaming Becomes Vision

February 6, 2020

Dreaming is so powerful and creates such magic in any persons life. Dreaming what is possible is the first step in creation. In the scriptures it says that “a man (or insert woman) without vision will perish.”

I love words, so we are going to focus on one of the…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Health & Well-being Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose Relationships

Take Off Your Backpack

January 29, 2020

My friend,

Take off that backpack. It’s heavy. It’s weighing you down. You don’t need to be carrying it around any longer. It is serving absolutely no purpose. You might not even be aware of the heaviness that you are carrying around because it’s been with you for so long…

Tammy Miller
Pleasant Grove, UT

Dave and I have been happily married for 26 years, which is crazy because it has breezed by at lightening speed. We are the parents of four amazing kids, one bonus son (son-in-law), and one bonus daughter (daughter-in-law). Six months after we started doing doTERRA, we sold our company, our goal was for us to grow our doTERRA business to match our previous income. We were able to do that together in just less than 3 years.