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Dreams Life Coaching Purpose Relationships

Dreaming Becomes Vision

February 6, 2020

Dreaming is so powerful and creates such magic in any persons life. Dreaming what is possible is the first step in creation. In the scriptures it says that “a man (or insert woman) without vision will perish.”

I love words, so we are going to focus on one of the…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Grief Life Coaching

Finding Peace in the Midst of Grief

February 5, 2020

My emotions and the emotions of my family are fairly tender as we are mourning the loss of our beloved Mom and Grandma. The older I get the more loss I’m experiencing, it’s just the inevitable part of life we all will experience a number of times. Life has…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose

Gratitude Net

February 2, 2020

Gratitude isn’t just reserved for the month of November, right?!!! Gratitude is a state of mind. Gratitude is a state of being. Living in gratitude is living your best life.

So, I want you to ask yourself this question: what is the net value of gratitude? This list could as…


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Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose

Spinning in Indecision

February 2, 2020

Jim Rohn is a man I never met but he’s been a mentor of mine for the last ten years as I’ve delved into personal development. If you don’t know who Jim Rohn is, go look him up and listen to his inspiring words. I love that his messaging…


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Emotional Health Health & Well-being Life Coaching Personal Development

Feel Your Feelings

January 31, 2020

Hey Friend,

Empathy is my number one superpower, so I have a lot of people that talk to be about their challenges. Over the years I have had dozens and dozens of conversations with people about emotions/feelings and why it’s important to feel them deeply. It’s a topic I’m quite…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Life Coaching Personal Development

Mind Juice

January 29, 2020

You read the title to this post and I’m fairly certain you thought “mind juice? What on earth is that?” I remember hearing this term used a few years ago on a podcast I was listening to and it both intrigued and resonated with me.

Mind juice is…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Gratitude Health & Well-being Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose Relationships

Take Off Your Backpack

January 29, 2020

My friend,

Take off that backpack. It’s heavy. It’s weighing you down. You don’t need to be carrying it around any longer. It is serving absolutely no purpose. You might not even be aware of the heaviness that you are carrying around because it’s been with you for so long…


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Authenticity Emotional Health Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose

Quit Pretending You’re Okay

January 21, 2020

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”
-Maya Angelou

When I saw this quote I read it several times – it resonates so deeply…


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Authenticity Life Coaching Personal Development Purpose

Seeking Purpose

January 20, 2020

So many of us search for meaning and purpose in this life. We search to understand who we are. Here’s where I find the problem lies: WHERE are we searching??? Oftentimes we are wandering way off of the path and we can get lost for a long while. The…


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Authenticity Dreams Life Coaching Personal Development

Be the Buffalo

January 15, 2020

You read the title of this post and your’re like “say what?” Yup, be the buffalo. Let me explain, I promise you are going to love this analogy but before I do let me just share a little bit with you.

Most people are resistant to pain or anything that…

Free Mini Life Coaching Session
Tammy Miller
Pleasant Grove, UT

Dave and I have been happily married for 26 years, which is crazy because it has breezed by at lightening speed. We are the parents of four amazing kids, one bonus son (son-in-law), and one bonus daughter (daughter-in-law). Six months after we started doing doTERRA, we sold our company, our goal was for us to grow our doTERRA business to match our previous income. We were able to do that together in just less than 3 years.